ACL Rehabilitation

At Ryan Harris Physiotherapy, we offer dedicated ACL rehabilitation programs designed to guide you through a safe and effective recovery.

acl treatment in physio clinic

move better, feel better

Experiencing an ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) injury can significantly disrupt your daily life and athletic performance. At Ryan Harris Physiotherapy, we offer dedicated ACL rehabilitation programs designed to guide you through a safe and effective recovery. Our expert team utilises the latest techniques and personalised rehabilitation programs to ensure you regain full function and strength. Our goal is to help you return to your activities stronger and more resilient than ever.

Our experienced team understands the impact of ACL injuries which commonly occur during sports involving sudden stops, jumps, or changes in direction, such as football, basketball, and skiing. The ACL is one of the key ligaments that help stabilize your knee joint. These injuries can range from minor sprains to complete tears, often requiring surgical intervention followed by a comprehensive rehabilitation program to restore full function. At Ryan Harris Physiotherapy, we are dedicated to supporting you every step of the way on your journey to recovery.

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running injury physio treatment

At Ryan Harris Physiotherapy, we are passionate about helping you recover from your ACL injury and return to your active lifestyle. Our ACL rehabilitation programs are designed to guide you through a safe and effective recovery, ensuring you regain full function and strength. Trust us to be your partner in achieving your rehabilitation goals. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and take the first step towards a healthier, more active life.

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How We Can Help You

At Ryan Harris Physiotherapy, we provide a comprehensive approach to ACL rehabilitation, tailored to meet your specific recovery needs.

Here's how we can assist you:

Informed Decision Making: The decision to have surgery for an ACL injury is not your only choice. Non-surgical options are also available and can often result in a quicker return to sport. Our physiotherapists will help you make the best decision for your situation by giving you the most up to date treatments available for your recovery.

Pre-Surgical Preparation: Strengthening and conditioning your muscles and joints before surgery can significantly enhance your post-operative recovery. Our pre-surgical programs focus on exercises that improve knee stability, flexibility, and overall strength.

Post-Surgical Rehabilitation: Our structured rehabilitation programs are designed to help you recover effectively after ACL surgery. We focus on reducing pain and swelling, improving knee mobility, and restoring strength through a series of progressive exercises.

Non-surgical ACL Rehabilitation: Non-surgical or conservative ACL rehabilitation programs are becoming more common. This approach often allows for a quicker progression through your ACL rehabilitation without the common post-operative restrictions. Our structured rehabilitation programs are goal based to help you progress quicker and safer than with a time based approach.

Manual Therapy: Our physiotherapists employ manual therapy techniques, such as massage and joint mobilisations, to improve knee function, alleviate muscle tension, and enhance blood flow to the injured area.

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Functional Training: We incorporate functional training exercises that mimic daily activities and sports-specific movements. This helps facilitate a smooth transition back to your active lifestyle and ensures you are well-prepared for the demands of your sport.

Guided Return to Sport and Performance: Returning to your sport is a big step after any ACL injury. We focus on a graded return to sport process that does not stop once you step foot onto the oval/court. Our aim is not just to get you back to sport but also to get you back performing better than ever.

Injury Prevention: Learning effective strategies and exercises to minimise the risk of re-injury is a crucial part of our rehabilitation programs. We provide education on proper techniques, movement patterns, and strengthening exercises to ensure long-term knee health.

Treatments for ACL Rehabilitation

Our treatment approach is comprehensive and includes a variety of techniques and exercises to ensure a successful recovery:

Range of Motion Exercises: Gentle stretching and movement exercises are crucial for restoring full knee motion and flexibility. We guide you through a series of exercises that gradually increase the range of motion and reduce stiffness in the knee joint.

Manual Therapy: Our manual therapy techniques including massage, joint mobilisations, and myofascial release, help improve blood flow, reduce muscle tension, and enhance knee mobility. These hands-on treatments are essential for maintaining knee health and function.

Strengthening Exercises: We focus on progressive strengthening exercises that target the muscles surrounding the knee, such as the quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves. These exercises are designed to rebuild strength, improve stability, and support the healing process.

Balance and Proprioception Training: Regaining balance and proprioception is essential for preventing future injuries and improving overall knee stability. Our training programs include activities that challenge your balance and enhance your body's awareness of joint position.

in gym acl rehab guided by physiotherapist

Plyometrics: Plyometric exercises, also known as jump training, are incorporated into our rehabilitation programs to enhance explosive strength and power. These exercises involve dynamic movements such as jumping, bounding and hopping, which help to improve muscle coordination, agility and reaction time. Plyometrics are essential for athletes looking to return to sports that require quick and powerful movements, ensuring that you regain both strength and confidence in your knees abilities.

Functional Exercises: Functional exercises are designed to prepare you for returning to daily activities and sports. These exercises mimic the movements and demands of your sport, ensuring a smooth and safe transition back to your active lifestyle.

Why Choose Ryan Harris Physiotherapy for ACL Rehabilitation?

At Ryan Harris Physiotherapy, we understand the unique challenges associated with ACL injuries. Our team is dedicated to providing the highest quality care to help you recover effectively and get back to your active lifestyle. Here’s why you should choose us for your ACL rehabilitation needs:

Expertise in ACL Rehabilitation: Our physiotherapists have extensive experience in treating ACL injuries. We use the latest evidence-based techniques and treatments to ensure optimal recovery. Our team stays updated on the latest advancements in ACL rehabilitation to provide you with the best possible care.

Personalised Treatment Plans: We believe that every individual and injury is unique. That’s why we develop personalised rehabilitation programs tailored to your specific needs and goals. Our comprehensive assessments allow us to identify the root cause of your issue and create a targeted treatment plan that addresses your individual requirements. This approach ensures you receive the most effective and efficient care possible.

Comprehensive Care: Our holistic approach to ACL rehabilitation goes beyond just treating the injury. We focus on your overall well-being, providing support for pain management, rehabilitation exercises, injury prevention, and health education. Our goal is to help you achieve long-term success and maintain an active, healthy lifestyle.

acl gym rehabilitation

Fully Functional Gym: Our clinic is equipped with all the necessary equipment to fully support your rehabilitation. We continually update our methods and tools to provide the best possible care, ensuring you have access to the most advanced treatments available. Our fully functional gym allows for a variety of exercises and training programs to support your recovery.

Supportive Environment: We pride ourselves on creating a welcoming and supportive atmosphere for all our clients. Our team is committed to providing compassionate care and ensuring you feel comfortable and confident throughout your rehabilitation journey. We are here to support you every step of the way, from your initial consultation to your full recovery.

ACL Rehabilitation FAQ'S

See the commonly asked questions about ACL Rehabilitation and what to expect from your appointment.

Your ACL is one of the major ligaments in the knee joint. It connects the thigh bone (femur) to the shin bone (tibia) and helps to stabilise the knee.

Injuries to the ACL can range from mild stretching or a small tear, to complete ligament rupture or avulsions from the bone.

ACL tears commonly during change of direction, sudden stops, jumping or landing.

ACL injuries are most common in sports including football, soccer, basketball, netball and skiing.

Common symptoms of an ACL injury include:

  • A popping or cracking sensation within the knee.
  • Severe pain in the knee following the injury.
  • Swelling within the first few hours after your injury.
  • You knee may feel unstable or give way when walking.
  • Knee Stiffness.

It is a common belief that surgery is the only option after an ACL injury to provide stability to the knee. This is not always the case.

If given the appropriate time and rehab, some athletes are able to cope without an ACL and in some cases, the ACL heals on its own.

Given the ACL has the ability to heal, research supports the trial of 3 months of a structured rehabilitation plan before deciding on whether surgery is appropriate for you.

At a minimum, your knee should be free of swelling, your quadriceps muscle firing naturally and your range of motion full before having surgery.

The time to return to sport can vary but it is recommended to wait at least 9 months before returning.

The most important step in returning to sport is ensuring that you pass all of your return to sport testing.

Physio in the early stages is quite intensive and often looks like 2 sessions per week for the initial 2-3 weeks before dropping to weekly appointments until approximately the 2-3 month mark.