Sports Physiotherapy

At Ryan Harris Physiotherapy, we are dedicated to helping you recover from your sports injuries and get back to doing what you love.

ryan harris physio with client

move better, feel better

Sports injuries can be a frustrating part of staying active. Whether you're a professional athlete or just enjoy a weekend game, dealing with pain, limited mobility, or being unable to do what you love can be discouraging. At Ryan Harris Physiotherapy, we understand these challenges and are here to help you get back to your best.

Our experienced team treats a wide range of sports injuries. From muscle strains and ligament sprains to overuse injuries like tendinitis, we offer comprehensive care that's tailored to you. Using the latest techniques and evidence-based practices, we focus on addressing the root cause of your injury, not just the symptoms.

We believe in personalised care for every athlete. Our treatment plans are customised to your unique needs and goals. Whether you're looking to recover quickly from an injury or boost your athletic performance, we're here to support you every step of the way. At Ryan Harris Physiotherapy, our goal is to help you get back to your sport stronger, more resilient, and ready for new challenges.

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sports physiotherapy rehab

Supportive Environment

We pride ourselves on creating a supportive and welcoming environment for all our clients. Our team is committed to providing compassionate care and ensuring you feel comfortable and confident throughout your treatment journey.

At Ryan Harris Physiotherapy, we are passionate about helping you stay active and achieve your goals. Trust us to be your partner in recovery and performance enhancement. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and take the first step towards a healthier, more active life.

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How We Can Help You

At Ryan Harris Physiotherapy, we treat a wide range of symptoms commonly experienced by athletes. Our goal is to help you stay active and recover efficiently, no matter the sport you play. Here's how we can assist you:

Muscle Pain: We provide targeted therapy to alleviate persistent aches and soreness in muscles, ensuring you can continue your activities pain-free.

Shoulder Pain: Our treatments address discomfort and restricted movement in the shoulder, especially for sports involving overhead motions like basketball and swimming.

Knee Pain: We offer care for sharp or dull knee pain, frequently experienced by runners, cyclists, and athletes in jumping sports.

Ankle Pain: Our physiotherapy services reduce pain and swelling in the ankles, often resulting from twists, sprains, or overuse, helping you regain stability and strength. Back Pain: We treat lower and upper back pain caused by repetitive strain, poor posture, or heavy lifting, helping you maintain a healthy spine.

Elbow Pain: Our experts manage conditions like tennis elbow or golfer's elbow, which result from repetitive arm movements, providing relief and improving arm function.

Foot Pain: We offer solutions for discomfort in the feet, common in runners and high-impact sports athletes, ensuring you can move comfortably.

sports physio injury analysis

Hip Pain: Our treatments address pain in the hip area, often experienced by athletes in running, jumping, or sports involving sudden changes in direction.

Wrist Pain: We help alleviate pain and weakness in the wrists, frequently seen in sports that require gripping or repetitive wrist movements, restoring your hand strength and flexibility.

At Ryan Harris Physiotherapy, we're committed to helping you stay active while you recover. Whether you're dealing with a recent injury or chronic pain, our tailored treatments are designed to get you back in the game.

Common Sports

At Ryan Harris Physiotherapy, we provide care for athletes involved in a variety of sports, ensuring you receive treatment that addresses the specific demands of your activity. Our dedicated team understands the unique demands of each sport and provides personalised care to help you recover from injuries, prevent future issues, and perform at your best.

AFL (Australian Rules Football): As a physically demanding sport involving frequent running, tackling, and sudden changes in direction, AFL players often experience muscle strains, ligament sprains, and knee injuries. Our physiotherapy treatments focus on enhancing agility, managing impact-related injuries, and promoting rapid recovery to keep players at peak performance.

Soccer: Known for its continuous running, sharp turns, and frequent kicking, soccer players commonly face challenges such as muscle strains, ankle sprains, and knee injuries. We provide care to address these issues, including rehabilitation exercises to improve strength, flexibility, and injury prevention strategies tailored to the demands of the game.

Basketball: With its high-intensity movements, jumping, and quick direction changes, basketball players are prone to ankle sprains, knee injuries, and muscle strains. Our physiotherapy approach emphasizes enhancing agility, improving jumping mechanics, and managing joint stability to support optimal performance on the court.

Netball: Similar to basketball in its dynamic movements and sudden stops, netball involves frequent jumping and pivoting, leading to ankle injuries, knee pain, and muscle strains. Our treatments focus on strengthening key muscle groups, improving flexibility, and addressing biomechanical issues to prevent injuries and support long-term performance.

Running: Whether you're a long-distance runner or sprinter, running places repetitive stress on muscles and joints, resulting in conditions such as shin splints, knee pain, and IT band syndrome. We offer comprehensive care including gait analysis, strength training, and injury rehabilitation to improve running mechanics, prevent overuse injuries, and enhance endurance.

in gym physio treatment

Swimming: Despite being a low-impact sport, competitive swimming can lead to shoulder injuries such as rotator cuff issues and swimmer's shoulder due to repetitive overhead movements. Our treatments focus on shoulder stability, stroke mechanics, and muscular balance to prevent injuries and improve performance in the water.

Gym/Weightlifting: Strength training and weightlifting activities can lead to muscle strains, joint issues, and overuse injuries. We provide targeted rehabilitation and conditioning programs to enhance strength, improve lifting techniques, and prevent injuries, supporting your fitness goals safely and effectively.

Tennis: Involving repetitive arm movements and quick lateral movements, tennis players commonly experience elbow and wrist injuries such as tennis elbow and wrist strains. Our physiotherapy treatments include pain management strategies, strengthening exercises, and biomechanical analysis to optimise racquet handling and prevent recurring injuries.

Treatments for Common Sporting Injuries

Muscle Strains: Our physiotherapists use a combination of manual therapy, stretching, and strengthening exercises to promote healing and restore function. Initially, we recommend modified activities to reduce pain and prevent further injury. Manual therapy techniques such as massage and joint mobilisations improve blood flow and reduce muscle tension. Exercise rehabilitation focuses on gradual strengthening and stretching exercises tailored to your specific injury to restore muscle strength, flexibility, and function.

Ligament Sprains: Our approach focuses on reducing inflammation and restoring joint stability and strength. Activity modifications and gentle exercises are used to minimise swelling and pain, with compression and elevation to control swelling and support the joint. Manual therapy techniques such as joint mobilisations and soft tissue techniques improve joint mobility and reduce pain. Rehabilitation exercises progressively strengthen and stabilise the injured ligament, and taping or bracing provides additional support during the healing process.

Tendinitis: Our treatment aims to reduce inflammation and restore tendon function through progressive exercise and manual therapy. Altered activity levels are employed to reduce strain on the tendon, allowing it to recover. Eccentric exercises are used to strengthen the tendon and promote healing. Manual therapy techniques such as deep tissue massage reduce inflammation and improve blood flow.

Rotator Cuff Injuries: We focus on reducing pain and restoring shoulder function by initially managing pain and inflammation. Manual therapy techniques such as joint mobilisations and soft tissue massage improve shoulder mobility and reduce pain. Stretching and strengthening exercises target the rotator cuff muscles to restore strength and flexibility, and postural training addresses underlying postural issues to prevent future injuries.

Shin Splints: Our approach aims to reduce pain and inflammation while addressing underlying causes through activity modifications to alleviate pain and reduce inflammation. Manual therapy techniques such as massage and myofascial release relieve tension in surrounding muscles. Orthotics and footwear advice correct biomechanical issues and provide support. Strengthening and stretching exercises improve the strength and flexibility of the lower leg muscles.

leg press rehab with physio

Stress Fractures: Our focus is on promoting bone healing and preventing further injury with changes to activity levels to allow the bone to heal. Protective footwear or bracing reduces stress on the affected bone. A gradual return to activity is structured to slowly increase activity levels while monitoring for pain. Bone health advice, including nutritional guidance, supports bone health and promotes strong bones.

Concussions: Our approach prioritises safe recovery and gradual return to activity with initial rest to allow the brain to heal. A step-by-step plan ensures a safe resumption of normal activities and sports, addressing headaches, dizziness, and other symptoms to promote overall recovery. Education and support provide guidance on recognising symptoms, preventing future concussions, and managing long-term effects.

At Ryan Harris Physiotherapy, our experienced team is dedicated to helping you recover from these common sports injuries and get back to doing what you love. Our comprehensive, evidence-based treatments are tailored to your unique needs, ensuring you receive the best possible care.

sports physio guided gym rehabilitation

Why Choose Ryan Harris Physiotherapy?

At Ryan Harris Physiotherapy, we understand the unique challenges athletes and active individuals face when dealing with injuries. Our team is dedicated to helping you overcome these obstacles and get back to performing at your best. Here’s why you should choose us for your sports physiotherapy needs:

Expertise in Sports Injuries: Our physiotherapists have extensive experience treating a wide range of sports injuries. We use the latest evidence-based techniques and treatments to ensure you receive the highest quality care. Whether you’re dealing with a muscle strain, ligament sprain, tendinitis, or any other sports-related injury, our team has the knowledge and skills to help you recover effectivelyز

Personalised Treatment Plans: We believe that every athlete is unique, and so are their injuries. That’s why we develop personalised treatment plans tailored to your specific needs and goals. Our comprehensive assessments allow us to identify the root cause of your injury and create a targeted treatment plan that addresses your individual requirements. This approach ensures you receive the most effective and efficient care possible.

Comprehensive Care: Our approach to sports physiotherapy goes beyond just treating the injury. We focus on holistic care that supports your overall well-being. From pain management and rehabilitation exercises to injury prevention and performance enhancement, we provide a full spectrum of services designed to help you achieve long-term success.

Fully Functional Gym: Our clinic is equipped with the latest technology and equipment to support your recovery and rehabilitation. We continually update our methods and tools to provide the best possible care, ensuring you have access to the most advanced treatments available.

Sports Physiotherapy FAQ'S

See the commonly asked questions about sports physiotherapy and what to expect from your appointment.

A typical sports physiotherapy session lasts approximately 30 minutes.

Longer appointments are available for multiple or complex injuries.

The demands on athletes are different to that of the general population.

Sports physiotherapy is tailored to athletes and highly active individuals and deals more with sporting injuries and injury prevention.

Sports physiotherapy often requires communication with coaches and other support staff.

Many athletes present for sports physiotherapy due to an injury, however you don’t need to be injured to benefit from sports physiotherapy.

Sports physio is great for enhancing performance, reducing the risk of injuries and improving the way you move. It will help you get the best out of yourself and keep you at the top of your game.

It is best to wear clothes that allow your physiotherapist to examine the injured area easily.

Your physiotherapist will prescribe some exercises during your consultation, so appropriate work out clothes are also recommended.